What is the slope of the polar curve f(theta) = theta - sec^2theta+costheta at theta = (7pi)/12?
1 Answer
The slope of the polar curve at
To find
y=r sintheta = (theta - sec^2theta+costheta)(sintheta)
(dy)/(d theta) = (1 - 2sec^2(theta)tan(theta) - sintheta)(sintheta) + (theta-sec^2theta+costheta)(costheta)
Evaluating this at
x=r costheta = (theta - sec^2theta + costheta)(costheta)
(dx)/(d theta) = (1 - 2sec^2(theta)tan(theta) - sintheta)(costheta) + (theta-sec^2theta+costheta)(-sintheta)
Evaluating this at
Therefore, the slope of the line tangent to