What is an acronym or pnemonic to remember the strong bases?

1 Answer
Jun 12, 2017

Li ttle
Na nnies
K ill
R a b bits,
C au s ing
Ca rnivorous
S c r eaming
Ba bies


I never really needed a mnemonic device to help remember them...

I just always know the strong bases include all metal cations in group 1

("LiOH", "NaOH", "KOH", "RbOH", and "CsOH") (with the exception of the radioactive "Fr"),

and the heavy group 2 metals

("Ca"("OH")_2, "Sr"("OH")_2, and "Ba"("OH")_2) (with the exception of the radioactive "Ra").

If you want a mnemonic device, here's one I made up on the spot:

Li ttle
Na nnies
K ill
R a b bits,
C au s ing
Ca rnivorous
S c r eaming
Ba bies

This may sound abhorrent, but whatever it takes.