Question #9bf04

1 Answer
Jun 17, 2017



Rewriting the denominator:


Let u=x+1, implying that x=u1 and du=dx.


Now let u=2secθ. This implies that u22=2sec2θ2=2tan2θ and that du=2secθtanθdθ.



Multiplying through by cos3θcos3θ:



Note that 32322=322:


Find the method for integrating csc3θ here.

For the second integral, let v=cotθ so dv=csc2θdθ.

The integral of cscθ is well known. For its derivation, see here.


Note that 12vdv=12(v22)=v24=cot2θ4.


Our substitution was u=2secθ, implying that cosθ=2u, which is a right triangle where the side adjacent to θ is 2, the hypotenuse is u, and the side opposite θ is u22.

Thus, cscθ=uu22 and cotθ=2u22.

Also note that 342ln|cotθ+cscθ|+342ln|cscθcotθ|=342lncscθcotθcotθ+cscθ=342ln1cosθ1+cosθ.

=3422uu22+342ln∣ ∣12u1+2u∣ ∣+14(2u22)



With u=x+1:
