The coordinates of the vertices of a rectangle are (-3,5), (0,-4), (3,7), and (6,-2). How do you find the area of this figure?

2 Answers
Dec 11, 2017

6060 square units


In this case it is a good idea to draw a quick sketch so that you can see what you are dealing with.
Tony BTony B

We can use Pythagoras to solve this as appropriately projecting lines from any point will form a triangle. The vertical and horizontal lengths of which can be read of from the axis.

The distance between two points is sqrt( (x_1-x_2)^2+(y_1-y_2)^2)(x1x2)2+(y1y2)2

Let the distance between two points be d_idi

Distance between points A and B



Distance between points B and C



Area =d_1xxd_2 = 2sqrt10 xx 3 sqrt10 = 60=d1×d2=210×310=60

Dec 11, 2017

The area of the rectangle is 108.17108.17 sq.unit.


The four vertices are A (-3,5) B (0,-4),C (3,7),D (6,-2)A(3,5)B(0,4),C(3,7),D(6,2)

Distance between two points D= sqrt ((x_1-x_2)^2+(y_1-y_2)^2D=(x1x2)2+(y1y2)2

Side AB= sqrt ((-3-0)^2+(5+4)^2)=sqrt90 ~~ 9.49AB=(30)2+(5+4)2=909.49unit

Side BC= sqrt ((0-3)^2+(-4-7)^2)=sqrt130 ~~11.40BC=(03)2+(47)2=13011.40unit

Side CD= sqrt ((3-6)^2+(7+2)^2)=sqrt90 = 9.49CD=(36)2+(7+2)2=90=9.49unit

Side AD= sqrt ((6+3)^2+(-2-5)^2)=sqrt130 = 11.40AD=(6+3)2+(25)2=130=11.40unit

The area of the rectangle isA_r=AB*BCAr=ABBC

:.A_r==sqrt90*sqrt130=sqrt117*10 ~~108.17(2dp)sq.unit
