Question #5dac9

1 Answer

Organelles are located within the cells.


There are many different organelles present in cells. Here are some examples:

  1. the nucleus is present in all cells, withholding the genetic information to be passed on to the daughter cell(s)
  2. the cytoplasm is present in both plant and animal cells
  3. the endoplasmic reticulum is present in both animal and plant cells
  4. the mitochondrion is present in both plant and animal cells
  5. the vacuole is present in both plant and animal cells
  6. the lysosome is uncommon in plant cells whereas, in the animal cell, it is relatively common
  7. the chloroplast is present only in plant cells and certain bacteria called cyanobacteria cells

Highlighted words are some of the more common organelles seen.

Organelles originate from the word "organ", and can be interpreted as organs of a cell.