How do you factor 16x3+3x2+5x4?

1 Answer
Feb 20, 2018



I wonder whether the question meant to factor:


since the question as given has three irrational real zeros only expressible in terms of trigonometric expressions or cube roots of complex numbers.

So let's factor 6x3+3x2+5x4

By the rational roots theorem, the only possible rational zeros of 6x3+3x2+5x4 are expressible in the form pq for integers p,q with p a divisor of the constant term 4 and q a divisor of the coefficient 6 of the leading term.

That means that the only possible rational zeros are:


In addition note that the pattern of the signs of the coefficients is +++. With one change of signs, Descartes' Rule of Signs tells us that this cubic has exactly one positive real zero.

So, trying the positive possibilities first we find:


So x=12 is a zero and (2x1) a factor:


Note that the discriminant of the remaining quadratic factor is negative:


So this quadratic only has factors with non-real complex coefficients. Since this question is asked under Algebra, I will stop at the real factorisation to find:
