How are acids named?

1 Answer
Jun 1, 2018

Jack, Harry, Geoff, Nancy....


Most of us simply commit the names of the common acids to memory...and do not rely on oxidation number systems...


#HCl# #"...hydrochloric acid;"# #Cl(-I)#...its salts are #"chlorides.."#

#HOCl# #"...hypochlorous acid;"# #Cl(+I)#...its salts are #"hypochlorites.."# (And what we do call such solutions when we use them in the household?)

#HOClO# #"...chlorous acid;"# #Cl(+III)#..its salts are #"chlorites.."#

#HOClO_2# #"...chloric acid;"# #Cl(+V)#..its salts are #"chlorates.."#

#HClO_4# #"...perchloric acid;"# #Cl(+VII)#..its salts are #"perchlorates.."#

Anyway, in whatever course you are in, you will soon learn the names of the acids you use...