How many orbitals make up the 4d subshell?

1 Answer
Jun 7, 2018

The same number that makes up any individual #d# subshell... #5#. What are these five #m_l# values, specifically, for #d# orbitals?

#d# orbitals have an angular momentum quantum number #l# of #2#:

#color(white)(.)ul(l" "" ""shape")#
#color(white)(.)0" "" "s#
#color(white)(.)1" "" "p#
#color(white)(.)2" "" "d#
#color(white)(.)3" "" "f#
#color(white)(.)4" "" "g#
#vdots" "" "vdots#

#l# has a range of #0, 1, 2, 3, . . . , n-1#. Its projection in the #z# direction is #m_l#, the magnetic quantum number, and #|m_l| <= l#, i.e.

#m_l = {-l, -l+1, . . . , 0, . . . , l-1, l}#

You can see that there is an odd number of #m_l# values because this tells you that #m_l = 0, pm1, pm2, . . . , pml#. Hence, there are #2l+1# values of #m_l# for a GIVEN #l#.

Since #l = 2#...

#2(2) + 1 = bb"five"# #d# orbitals exist in one #d# subshell of any #n#.

And these orbitals are each given one value of #m_l# in the set of #m_l = {-2, -1, 0, +1, +2}#.