What is the geometry and hybridization of #"PF"_6^(-)#? What orbitals are used to hybridize?

1 Answer
Jun 1, 2016

In general, the typical pattern for basic/simple molecules is:

  • Diatomic molecule #=># No hybridization at all! (EX: #"HCl"#)
  • 2 electron groups #=># #sp# hybridization (EX: #"CO"_2#)
  • 3 electron groups #=># #sp^2# hybridization (EX: #"BF"_3#)
  • 4 electron groups #=># #sp^3# hybridization (EX: #"CH"_4#)
  • 5 electron groups #=># #sp^3d# hybridization (EX: #"PF"_5#)
  • 6 electron groups #=># #sp^3d^2# hybridization (EX: #"SF"_6#)

You can count these up and see that the number of orbitals used in the hybridization equal the number of electron groups around the central atom.


Since phosphorus (#"P"#, atomic number #15#) is on the third period of the periodic table, it has access to orbitals of principal quantum number #n = \mathbf(3)#.

That means it can use its #3d# orbitals in addition to its typical #3s# and #3p# valence orbitals.

This generates an octahedral molecular and electron geometry. You can see the final shape of this at the bottom.


Orbital hybridization in #"PF"_6^(-)# requires that all six #"P"-"F"# bonds are identical; not necessarily in bond angle, per se, but in the orbitals used to construct the bond.

(The ideal bond angles are a separate phenomenon based on electron repulsions.)

For example, an overlap between two #2p_z# orbitals is not the same as the overlap between a #2p_z# and a #3d_(z^2)# orbital, even though they are both possible. They are both head-on (sigma/#sigma#) overlaps, but they are not the same bonds.

The problem is that they should be the same bonds for a molecule making six identical #"P"-"F"# bonds. Otherwise, the bond lengths will not all be the same, when they should be.


To make the bonds more uniform, hybridization must occur between the #3s#, #3p#, and #3d# orbitals of phosphorus to generate #sp^3d^2# orbitals.

Then, what you will have is six sets of #stackrel("P")overbrace(sp^3d^2)-stackrel("F")overbrace(p_y)# orbital overlaps. These overlaps generate the #"P"-"F"# bonds.


You can see the adjacent bond angles are all #90^@# in an ideal octahedral geometry, because that is the largest angle that the atoms can be separated while still making six identical #"P"-"F"# bonds.