Is the formation of zinc chloride from its constituent elements an example of a redox reaction....?

1 Answer
Jan 2, 2017

stackrel(0)Zn(s) + stackrel(0)Cl_2(g) rarr stackrel(""^(+II))Znstackrel(""^-I)Cl_2(s)0Zn(s)+0Cl2(g)+IIZnICl2(s)


The given reaction is certainly a redox reaction. The metal, as is typical, is oxidized, Zn(0)rarrZn(+II)Zn(0)Zn(+II), and the non-metal is reduced, Cl_2(0)rarrCl(-I)Cl2(0)Cl(I),.

Generation of "ferric chloride"ferric chloride represents another redox equation:

Fe(s) + 3/2Cl_2(g) rarr FeCl_3(s)Fe(s)+32Cl2(g)FeCl3(s)