Explain the difference between Orgel and Tanabe-Sugano diagrams?

1 Answer
Dec 30, 2017


  • Orgel diagrams show spin-allowed transitions only, not spin-forbidden. They also only show high-spin situations, and mesh together several d^n cases into one diagram. These are separated out into one D diagram and one F//P diagram.

In general, these are less informative, and more qualitative. I find these harder to read, personally.

  • Tanabe Sugano diagrams show both spin-allowed and spin-forbidden transitions. They also show both high-spin and low-spin situations, and are separated out into different diagrams for each d^n case.

In general, these are way more informative, and more quantitative. I find these easier to read (although they take some brain power to think about), and way more useful.

We go through an example where we examine a transition of a t_(2g) electron to an e_g^"*" orbital in "Ti"("H"_2"O")_6.

For this answer, you should recall or read up on:



Orgel diagrams are only for high-spin complexes, showing only the spin-allowed transitions relative to some parent ground state free-ion term (P,D, or F).

These are separated as the D and F//P Orgel diagrams:


General features of the diagram are:

  • The horizontal axis is the size of the ligand field splitting energy Delta_o. Apparently the o is left off for "simplicity". The vertical axis is probably showing energy, but I see no increments...
  • They are purely qualitative, and show only the states of highest spin multiplicity 2S+1.
  • They combine octahedral and tetrahedral cases together into one diagram for the same parent ground state free-ion term.

Also note that the gerade/ungerade labels are omitted for "simplicity", but apply to octahedral symmetries. This also applies to Tanabe Sugano diagrams.

Also, these are organized as follows:

  • For the D Orgel diagram, tetrahedral d^1//d^6 and octahedral d^9//d^4 on the left side, and tetrahedral d^4//d^9 and octahedral d^6//d^1 on the right side.
  • For the F//P Orgel diagram, tetrahedral d^2//d^7 and octahedral d^8//d^3 on the left side, and tetrahedral d^3//d^8 and octahedral d^7//d^2 on the right side.

If you notice, I purposefully wrote the correlations so that d^1 octahedral complexes correspond to d^9 tetrahedral complexes, for example.

That is described by a so-called "hole formalism" briefly illustrated below:

Inorganic Chemistry, Miessler et al., pg. 429Inorganic Chemistry, Miessler et al., pg. 429

This will be useful later for Tanabe Sugano diagrams.


Tanabe-Sugano diagrams show both low-spin and high-spin cases, and also show spin-forbidden transitions. They even show terms that are near to, but not the ground state!

Also, as previously mentioned, there is a hole formalism that says that a d^n diagram for octahedral complexes applies to d^(10-n) tetrahedral complexes. So these diagrams are recyclable.

Overall, quite a bit more flexible than Orgel diagrams. Here is an example for d^4 octahedral complexes:

Inorganic Chemistry, Miessler et al., pg. 420Inorganic Chemistry, Miessler et al., pg. 420

General features of the diagram are:

  • The ground term (""^5 E_g for high-spin, ""^3 T_(1g) for low spin) is on the horizontal axis which plots Delta_o//B, and a unitless energy scale E//B relative to the ground state is on the vertical axis, where B is a "Racah parameter" in units of "cm"^(-1).
  • The vertical divide separates the weak-field and strong-field limits. To its left are the weak-field (high-spin) terms, and to its right are the strong-field (low-spin) terms.
  • Solid curves are shown that are labeled by excited-state term symbols, quantitatively correlating with spin-allowed transitions.
  • Dashed curves are shown that quantitatively correlate with spin-forbidden transitions.

Unlike Orgel diagrams, these are separated by d^n configurations, rather than which ground state free-ion term. There are diagrams for d^2 -> d^8 octahedral complexes, or d^8 -> d^2 tetrahedral complexes.

There are many spin-forbidden transitions that we don't see in the Orgel diagram, and the only spin-allowed one is ""^5 E_g -> ""^5 T_(2g) (solid curve to solid curve).


As an example of a ""^5 D free-ion term for the metal center, take "Ti"("H"_2"O")_6 (we shall see why a ""^5 D). We can use this and compare how we interpret Orgel and Tanabe Sugano diagrams.

(Note that there is a shift from a ""^5 D free-ion term to a ""^5 E_g term when subjected to an octahedral field.)

  • This has a 0 oxidation state on "Ti", giving a d^4 octahedral metal complex.
  • The "H"_2"O" are sigma donors and really weak pi donors, and thus are weak-field ligands.
  • So, this must be a high-spin complex, and is an applicable choice.

The d orbital configuration was originally:

ul(uarr color(white)(darr))" "ul(uarr color(white)(darr))" "ul(uarr color(white)(darr))" "ul(uarr color(white)(darr))" "ul(color(white)(uarr darr))

This ground state has a total orbital angular momentum of:

bbL = |sum_i m_l(i)|

= |(-2) + (-1) + (0) + (1)| = bb2,

and L = 2 corresponds to D, just like l = 2 corresponds to d orbitals.

It has a total spin angular momentum of:

bbS = |sum_i m_s(i)|

= |(1/2) + (1/2) + (1/2) + (1/2)| = bb2,

giving a spin multiplicity of 2S + 1 = 5.

Thus, the ground term is color(blue)(""^5 D) and the D Orgel diagram applies.


But remember, this is really a ""^5 E_g term in the octahedral field corresponding to this d orbital splitting diagram (high spin d^4):

uarrE" "color(white)({(" "" "color(black)(ul(uarr color(white)(darr))" "ul(color(white)(uarr darr))" "e_g^"*")),(),(color(black)(Delta_o)),(),(" "color(black)(ul(uarr color(white)(darr))" "ul(uarr color(white)(darr))" "ul(color(red)(uarr) color(white)(darr))" "t_(2g))):})

Based on the D Orgel diagram, we expect that in an octahedral ligand field, it has one spin-allowed transition of the electron marked in color(red)("red"):

overbrace(""^5 E_g)^("Corresponds to """^5 D " free-ion term") -> overbrace(""^5 T_(2g))^("Corresponds to T"_2 " on left side of diagram")

So the excited state ""^5 T_(2g) is just this:

uarrE" "color(white)({(" "" "color(black)(ul(uarr color(white)(darr))" "ul(color(red)(uarr) color(white)(darr))" "e_g^"*")),(),(color(black)(Delta_o)),(),(" "color(black)(ul(uarr color(white)(darr))" "ul(uarr color(white)(darr))" "ul(color(white)(uarr darr))" "t_(2g))):})

The spin multiplicity of 5 is implied, because spin-allowed transitions preserve total spin S and thus the spin multiplicity 2S+1 as well.

In the Tanabe Sugano diagram, we look on the left side, the weak-field side, to guarantee a high-spin complex:

Inorganic Chemistry, Miessler et al., pg. 420Inorganic Chemistry, Miessler et al., pg. 420

And we see ""^5 E on the horizontal axis that can connect vertically to the ""^5 T_2 solid curve. That's the same ""^5 E_g -> ""^5 T_(2g) transition we saw earlier.

Except this time, we can say, for example, at Delta_o = 13B "cm"^(-1), the transition requires E = 13B "cm"^(-1) of energy in the weak-field limit (this is where the dashed curve intersects with the solid curve).