Commercially available concentrated sulfuric acid is 18.0 M H2SO4. What volume of concentrated H2SO4 would I use in order to make 3.00 L of a 4.0 M stock solution?

1 Answer

You would need 0.67 liters of the concentrated acid.

This question demonstrates a technique that chemists use on a regular basis; it is called dilution.

You will use the equation (M1)(V1) = (M2)(V2)

The original concentration x initial volume = final concentration x final volume.

In this example, the original concentration is the concentration of the concentrated sulfuric acid which is 12 Molar which is M1 and the final diluted concentration is 4 Molar (M2) with a final volume of 3.00 liters.

  • To solve for V 1 , multiply 4.0 Molar by 3.00 L and divide by 18.0 M

    • V1 = M2.V2M1

    • V1 = 4.0M.3.00L18.0M

      • V1. = 0.67L

This means that you need to dilute 0.67 liters of the original stock solution of concentrated acid and add water until it is diluted to 3.00 liters.

Here is a video which illustrates another example using (M1)(V1) = (M2)(V2)