Given f(x) = sqrt(42-x) f(x)=√42−x and g(x) = x^2 - xg(x)=x2−x how do you find f(g(x)) and what is it's domain?
1 Answer
First, find the composition by inputting
To determine the domain, we need to factor inside the square root, because we cannot have the value inside the square root be any less than
Set up a quadratic inequality, forgetting about the square root for the time being.
Select test points. Let Test Point 1 be 9, test point 2 be 5 and test point 3 be -8.
Checking, you will find test point 1 does not work, test point 2 works and test point 3 does not work.
Hence, the domain is
Another way to work it out is to solve the inequality one bracket at a time.
Combining these two, we get
Hopefully, this helps!
Here's your graph: graph{sqrt(-x^2+x+42) [-9.59, 10.41, -0.36, 9.64]}