How do you find the exact value of Arctan (-1) ?

1 Answer
Apr 25, 2016

arc tan(-1)=npi+(3pi)/4, n=0, +-1, +-2, +-3... n=0, gives its value as (3pi)/4 in [0, pi]. Including n=1, we get two values (3pi)/4 and (7pi)/4in [0, 2pi].


Use tan (pi-x)=tan x.

So, a principal value of arc tan (-1) in [0, pi] is (3pi)/4.
There is another in [0, 2pi]. tan(2pi-pi/4)=-tan (pi/4)=-1

So, there are two, (3pi)/4 and (7pi)/4, in [0, 2pi].

Either can be taken as principal value, for the general value

arc tan(-1)=npi+(3pi)/4, n=0, +-1, +-2, +-3... . .