You can convert this equation into slope-intercept form by solving for #y#. Slope-intercept form is: #y=mx+b#, where #m# is the slope of the line, and #b# is the y-intercept when #x=0#.
Factor out the common term #2#.
Divide both sides by #2#.
Add #3x# to both sides.
The slope is #3# and the y-intercept is #5#. The y-intercept is the point #(0,5)#. The slope is #3/1#. So you can place a point at the y-intercept and move up #3# places and over to the right #1# to get another point. You can also go down #3# places and over to the left #1# place to get another point.
You can also determine ordered pairs using the equation.
graph{y=3x+5 [-18.95, 13.1, 1.03, 17.04]}