How do you graph # |y|= 6- |3x|#?

1 Answer
Apr 10, 2016

#|y|>=0 to |x|<=2#. Draw the four straight lines #y=+-3x+-6#. The periphery of the so formed rhombus, with vertices at #(+-2, 0) and (0, +-6)#, is the graph for the given equation.


#|y|>=0 to |3x|<=6 to |x|<=2#.

The given equation is the compounded equation for the quadruplet #+-y=6+-3x to y=+-3x+-6#.

These lines, in pairs, meet at #(+-2, 0) and (0, +-6)# and form a rhombus. of side #sqrt40#..

The rhombus reaches the limits #x=+-2#, from within.

Only the coordinates (x, y) of points on this rhombus are governed by the given equation. The rhombus is the graph.