How many AU is the nearest Galaxy from the milkyway?

1 Answer
Oct 4, 2016

It depends what you mean by nearest galaxy, but the conversion factor between light years and AU is about #63000#


Let's work out a conversion factor between light years and AU first.

The Sun is roughly #93000000# miles from the Earth and light travels at about #186000# miles per second.

So #1# AU is about #500# light seconds.

There are #86400# seconds in a day and about #365.25# days per year, hence:

#86400 * 365.25 = 31557600" "# seconds per year.

Dividing this by #500# we arrive at:

#31557600/500 = 63115.2 ~~ 63000" "# AU per light year.

How far away is the nearest galaxy from the Milky Way?

The very nearest galaxy would be one of the small satellite galaxies.

There are about #50# galaxies within about #1.4# million light years of the Milky Way. The closest are about #1000# light years from the edge, which by our reckoning would be about #63000000 = 6.3 xx 10^7# AU from the edge.

Perhaps of more interest is the distance to the Andromeda galaxy, our largest neighbour in the Local Group. This is about #2.5# million light years away, which would make it about #160# billion AU away.