Scale of Earth, Sun, Galaxy, and Universe Astronomy Scale and History of the Universe Scale of Earth, Sun, Galaxy, and Universe Questions Is the word "universe" supposed to be capitalized as a proper noun? Where does the universe end? What is the universe? How can scientists estimate the age of the universe? How does this estimate take into account Einstein's Theory of Relativity? What are all the theories that explain the creation of the universe? Is the universe sentient? Will the universe end? If the universe is always expanding, what is causing it to do so? Does the universe have a shape? Was the universe formed by the big bang? Is the universe finite? How many miles across is the universe? How is it measured? Is the universe expanding, contracting, or staying the same size? Is there anything larger than the universe? Is the universe flat? Why did Einstein and others assume that the universe had no beginning? What is how does universe differ from a galaxy? How did the universe begin? How is the universe changing? How is the universe organized? How would you explain universe expansion and its relation to red shift? How can the universe be endless? How can the universe be flat? How can the universe be infinite and expanding? Does the universe expand in all directions? Do parallel universes exist? How is the size of the universe calculated? How does chemistry affect the universe? How big in light years is the universe? Is there an end to the universe? How do we know that our universe is not contained within a larger entity? How fast is the universe is expanding? How big is earth in comparison to the universe? How do scientists know how large the universe is? How big do scientists estimate the universe was before the big bang occurred? What is the average temperature of the universe? If the span of the universe was converted from light years to miles, what would it measure? How far away can we now detect galaxies within the universe? What is the shape of the universe? How can they tell the size of universe without knowing where the center of big bang was? Why is the universe so big? What is the size of the observable universe? How large can the universe ultimately become? How big is the universe in meters? Why is it important to know the size of the universe? How does a perihelion differ from an aphelion? What is a perihelion? What is the difference between a perihelion and a aphelion? How do you calculate the perihelion distance of an object in orbit? How does perihelion occur? How often does perihelion occur in an orbit? How is eccentricity calculated with perihelion and aphelion? How is perihelion calculated? How is velocity calculated at perihelion? How would you find the perihelion distance of Mars? What is the perihelion and aphelion of earth? How are these distances calculated? When does perihelion occur in Earth's orbit? What is the perihelion of Mercury? Why do perihelion and aphelion occur? Why is it cold during perihelion? How is angular speed at perihelion calculated? Do earth's aphelion and perihelion have any noticeable effects? How is the semi-major axis found if perihelion and aphelion distance are known? How is orbital period calculated if perihelion and aphelion are known? For example, the orbit of a spacecraft about the sun has a perihelion distance of 0.5 AU and an aphelion of 3.5 AU., what is its orbital period? What is the relationship between longitude of ascending node and argument of perihelion? What formula would be used to calculate the aphelion distance of Halley's Comet from the sun? Halley’s comet has a perihelion distance of 0.6 AU & an orbital period of 76 years, How can orbital semimajor axis, eccentricity, and period be calculated if perihelion and aphelion are known? How do you calculate the distances of the perihelion and aphelion if you know that the period is 76 years and the semi major axis is 17.94 AU? When a comet is at perihelion does it have a brighter tail? What is the velocity of Earth at perihelion and aphelion? How is this information calculated? If an asteroid has a perihelion distance of 2.0 A.U. and an aphelion distance of 6.0 A.U., what is its orbital semi-major axis, eccentricity, and period? Thanks!? What is the full scale of the universe? Will it ever be known? What does the scale of the universe tell us? What is the large-scale structure of the universe? How did astronomers arrive at this structure? As we view a large scale model of the universe, what would be more prevalent - galaxies or open/empty space? What is believed to be the large-scale structure of the universe? What are the major levels of structure in the universe? At what scale is the universe expanding? How far is it between the Milky Way to the most distant galaxies? What exists in intergalactic space? Are there stars in these expanses? What is the difference between interstellar and intergalactic? Are there intergalactic planets without solar systems? How do we know there are intergalactic clouds between a distant quasar and earth? Is intergalactic travel possible or improbable? Why so? Is dark matter detected in intergalactic space? Or does it stay close to stars and galaxies? How do you convert parsecs to light years? How are parsecs converted to meters? How many parsecs are in a megaparsec? How many parsecs are in an AU? How many parsecs is the sun from earth? How are parsecs used in astronomy? Why are parsecs used rather than A.U.? How was it determined that a parsec is 3.26 light years? Why is a parsec useful in astronomy? Why is a parsec named so? Why was the parsec invented? What is a parsec and why does it rely on an arcsecond? What is the relationship between a parsec and a light year? What are the advantages of using parsecs over light years? How are parsecs used in astrophysics? When working with astronomical numbers and mathematics, when is it appropriate to use astronomical unit, light year, and parsec? How many astronomical units would a parsec contain? How would you convert parsecs to centimeters? Which is greater, a parsec or a light year? How do you convert parsecs to arcseconds? How many Astronomical Units is 1 parsec? What is the precise definition of a parsec? What is the size of one parsec? What is the difference between an AU, light year, and parsec? When should each be used? How would I find the distance of a star in parsecs and light years if parallax is known? For example, Sirius, the brightest star in the sky, has a parallax of 0.379 arcsec. What is its distance in parsecs? In light years? What is the correct order from shortest to longest for these units of measure?Angstrom, astronomical unit, centimeter, kilometer, lightyear, micron, nanometer, parsec? If parsec is the distance that light travels in 3.26 years. How many kilometers does light travel in 1.0 parsec? In relation to the size of a galaxy, how do you convert arcminute into distance? How is the distance 3.26 light years derived for a parsec? What will happen if you travel in a straight line in our universe? Can you ever leave our universe? What is the distance in light years to the farthest object we can see in the universe? What is the distance to the farthest star we can see with our naked eye? How far away is the closest star? Which galaxy is closest to earth? What is the closest galaxy to the Milky Way? What is the closest hypergiant to Earth? Will the universe collapse back into itself? Why does the universe have any specific order to it? How was the universe created? Did the universe start from the size of a pin needle? Does the universe have a top and bottom? If so, would it be resting on something or is it free falling? Will the universe come to an end one day and die out like the stars? Or, will the universe go on forever? Are there parallel universes? What is outside the universe? Is the universe 2D or 3D? Is the universe in orbit? Is the sun the center of the universe? How can the universe be finite? How can the universe be infinite? How do scientists know the universe is expanding? What is the function of the universe? How do you calculate the mass of the universe? How would you calculate the size of the universe? How does our universe changed over time? How does red shift relate to the universe? How does redshift change the universe? How does the density of the universe affect its future? Do astronomers know how many galaxies are in the universe? How do scientists estimate the number of galaxies in the universe? How many galaxies are there estimated to be in the known universe? Some say about 100 billion, and others even say up to 1 trillion. Which estimate would be closer to the actual number? How many galaxies are there and how many stars does each galaxy hold? How many clusters are there in the observable universe? How do scientists know how many galaxies there are in the universe? How many types of basic galaxies are there? How many shapes of galaxies exist? How many superclusters are there in the observable universe? What is the probability that there is another earth like planet in the universe? How many known planets are in the universe? How many do astronomers estimate there to be? On average, how many planets are in one galaxy? How many stars and planets are there in the universe? How many stars and galaxies are in the non-visible universe? How many estimated planets are there in the universe? How can there be a finite number of galaxies in the universe? What is the furthest known star from our solar system? What is the farthest galaxy or star from the Earth? How many atoms are in the universe? What is the size of the Earth compared to the moon? What is earth's size relative to the galaxy? What is the size of the earth in comparison to the sun? What is the size of the Earth's surface? If earth was the size of an apple, what would the sun be? What if Earth were the size of Jupiter? What would be different about life as we know it? What is the approximate size of earth? If the earth was the size of a golf ball how big would the universe be? How much larger is the solar system than earth? Knowing that the Earth's diameter is about "3 2/3" times the diameter of the moon, what is the angular diameter of the Earth as seen by an observer on the moon? What are the sizes of Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto? Can a planet two, three, or even ten times the size of earth have the same gravity? What is the size of the moon in relationship to other planets? How do scientists measure the size of the earth? How do we know the size of earth? How is the size of earth measured? If a planet were the same size as Earth, but twice as massive, would you weigh less or more on it? What would happen if the sun was half its size? What would happen if it was double its size? What are the sizes of Jupiter's four moons in relation to earth? How does the size of most stars compare with the size of the Earth? How do the size and mass of Jupiter's core compare to the size and mass of Earth? What is the ratio to size of Earth to Jupiter? How many earth's would fit in Jupiter? What is the size of the moon in relation to the earth? What is the angular diameter of the earth viewed from the moon? What about the earth viewed from the sun? What is the farthest place from earth? What is the largest known planet in the universe? What is the largest planet in our solar system? Is Jupiter the largest planet in the universe? What is the order from largest to smallest: galaxy, universe, star, asteroids, planets, moons, solar system? What is the smallest known planet in the Solar System? How much smaller is it than earth? What is the biggest planet in our galaxy? Are there any known planets that are bigger than our sun? What order would the planets appear in if based on diameter? What is the largest planet in the galaxy? How big is the biggest planet in the universe? What is the largest planet in the universe? In our galaxy? In our solar system? How do they compare in size? What is the third largest planet in the universe? How does the planet Venus rank in size compared to the sun and to the moon? What is the distance between the sun and earth? What is the exact distance from the Earth to the Sun? How far is the earth from the sun? What is the exact distance between the sun and earth? How long does it take light to travel from the sun to Earth? What is the distance between the Earth and the Sun in km? What is the maximum distance between the Sun and the Earth? What is the distance of the sun from earth? What is the distance between the sun and earth at its minimum? How would the distance from the earth to the sun be expressed in parsecs and in light years? What is the distance in miles between the earth and sun? Does earth's distance from the sun change? How is Kepler's Law used to find the period of orbit for earth? Given that the distance from Earth to the Sun is 150000000 km, what distance does Earth move in a second? Is the distance between sun and earth a constant? By how much does the distance between the earth and sun change? Why is the distance between the Sun and Earth important in Astronomy? What is the distance from earth to sun in astronomical units? What is the distance between the earth and sun in AU? What is the distance between the earth and sun in light minutes? What is the distance from earth to the sun in light years? What is the distance from earth to the sun in parsecs? What is the distance from earth to the sun in scientific notation? How can radar be used to find the distance from earth to sun? How do scientists measure the distance from earth to the sun? How does earth's distance from the sun affect the climate? How does earth's distance from the sun change throughout the year? How does earth's distance from the sun make life possible? Why does earth's distance from the sun change? If the earth were a mile closer to the sun how would it affect our temperature on earth? How far would the earth have to be from it's current orbit to notice a temperature change? What is the distance from earth to the sun called? The star GJ 1156 has a parallax angle of 0.153 arcsec. How far away is the star? What is the unit of distanced used to describe the distance between stars? Which is the most distant: a M main-sequence star or an M giant star? What is below or above the earth in space? If we went a few light years below the earth would we find anything? How many earth years would it take to reach andromeda galaxy? What is the size of the observable universe in meters? What lies beyond the observable universe? What is the volume of the universe? Is the observable universe is the same size today as it was a few million years ago? How large is the observable universe? Considering the following information, why is there a 500,000,000 light year difference? Is the 13.7-billion light year boundary actually based on when the CMBR first emerged from the opacity following the Big Bang? Are there are more atoms in a glass of water than stars in the observable universe? How big is the universe compared to the observable universe? How can there be anything outside of the observable universe? How far is the observable universe from end to end? How long would it take to reach the far to edge of observable universe if going at 5 miles per second? Do you think mankind will ever see beyond what is called The Observable Universe? How does the observable universe differ from the universe? How do we see the observable universe? How is the size of the observable universe is calculated? What is outside the observable universe? Why does the observable universe have an edge? How big is the observable universe, and why can't we see any further? What is the ratio of the distance to Andromeda to the size of the observable universe? If the speed of light is 2.9972 x 10^8 m/s what is the maximum possible radius of the observable universe? What units do scientists use to measure the great distance in space? What is the closest Galaxy to the Solar System? What would our solar system look like from Alpha Centauri? What are all the planets relative size compared to earth's? What is the approximate diameter of a white dwarf star with the Sun's mass? How close is the nearest star? What is the closest star to the earth? What is the distance between earth and the next closest star? What are the next ten closest stars to the earth? What star is nearest to the center of the Milky Way? Where is the closest binary star system? What is the third nearest star from Earth? If Proxima Centauri is the next nearest star to Earth after the sun and it is 4.2 light years, does that mean every star we see in the night sky is farther away than 4.2 light years? What is the nearest star to the sun? How many light years away is the nearest star? What is the second closest star to Earth? Are there planets in orbit around it? Which is the nearest supergiant star to Earth? How close is the nearest star in miles? How close is the nearest star system? How close is the nearest star to earth in km? How close is the nearest star with planets? How is the distance measured between earth and the next closest star outside of our solar system? Which is the nearest star to earth, after the sun? On the 1 to 10 billion scale, about how far is it to the nearest stars besides the Sun? Which is the nearest star to the Earth: The Sun or Alpha Centauri? Is Betelgeuse the next closest star to earth? Question #860db How far from Earth is Alnilam? What is the largest known galaxy and how many stars does it have? How far away is it? What is beyond the farthest galaxy? How do you calculate the mass of a galaxy? Question #3e803 What are astronomical yardsticks used to determine distances to celestial objects? How is the distance between stars and the earth calculated? How do you calculate the distance between stars and the earth? How do we measure the distance between celestial objects? The distance of Earth from the Sun is 1.49 x 10^8. What is the distance from the Sun to Mars in kilometers? How do astronomers measure the distance to other stars? How accurate are their measurements? What distance method did Edwin Hubble use to determine the distance to local galaxies?

 What is the distance from Earth to Mars in kilometers? What is distance from Uranus to Neptune in km? The earth's distance from the sun is often given as an average. Why isn't an exact measurement available for this distance? Do stars exist outside of galaxies? How many stars are in a spiral galaxy? What is the average number of stars an and diameter of a spiral galaxy? Do stars exist in space between galaxies or are stars confined solely to galaxies? How do we measure distance to galaxies and stars/planets? How do we determine the amount of dark matter in elliptical galaxies? How many planets are in the universe? How is this number estimated? What stars or planets are bigger than the Sun? How many planets typically surround one star? How many solar systems are there in the universe? On average, how many stars have planets orbiting them? How many Earth like planets are there in the universe with existence of air water and life? How many planets in the universe can support life? How many planets in the universe can sustain life? How many light years across is the universe? What is the distance across our solar system in kilometers? Approximately how many extrasolar planets have been detected to date? Which planets are smaller than earth? How many galaxies are in the universe? How many elliptical galaxies are there in the universe? How many stars and galaxies are there? Approximately, how many nebulae are there in the universe? What percentage of the universe is non-observable? What percentage of the universe is considered to be observable? How many stars are in an average galaxy? How many galaxies are there in the observable universe? One estimate is that there are 1010 stars in the Milky Way galaxy, and that there are 1010 galaxies in the universe. Assuming that the number of stars in the Milky Way is the average number, how many stars are in the universe? How do astronomers estimate how many galaxies are in the universe? How far apart are all of the galaxies in the Local Group? How do scientists estimate the number of stars in the universe? Why is it important to know the number of stars in the universe? How many stars are in the visible universe? How many new stars are born per second in the visible universe? How many earth-like planets are thought to exist in the universe? What is the diameter of the universe? Is the universe circular? What is the size of Jupiter in comparison to the sun? What is the nearest star to our solar system? How many AU is the nearest star from earth? Alpha Centauri, the nearest star, is just over 4 light years away. Traveling at a speed of 2000 miles per hour (the speed of a fast jet airplane), how long would it take to get there in years? What star is closest to Earth (other than the sun) and is moving away from us (red shift)? How far is the nearest Star to our Solar system in light years? Which is the nearest star to earth after sun? Is the brightest star in the sky the one which is closest to us? How far away is the closest star (excluding our sun) from earth in parsecs? How far away are we from the stars we see at night and do they have their own solar systems? Question #e72ce Are there any theories to explain what the Universe is expanding into? What is the size of the observable universe in feet? How do scientist know the size of the universe? How big was the universe one second after the Big Bang? What is the size of the universe in centimeters? Do scientists believe the universe will eventually stop expanding? If so, when will this take place? How big is earth compared to the universe? What is the mass of the universe? How was this determined? What is the size of the universe in light years? What are the dimensions of the universe? Is there a limit to the size of the universe? What was the size of the universe at 10^-35 seconds ATB? What evidence do we have for the change in size of the universe? How did the universe fit into the size of an atom? How and why has our estimate of the size of the universe changed in the past few centuries? How did scientists first measure the size of the universe? How can scientists estimate the size of the universe if it is expanding? How do scientists measure the size of the universe? How did scientists determine the size of the universe? How is the size of the universe determined? How is the size of the universe estimated? How is the size of the unobservable universe calculated? What is the actual size of the universe? What is the size of the universe in inches? What is the size of the universe in kilometers? What size was the universe after inflation? Does the density of the universe change over time? How often are the effects of proper motion on nearby stars noticed? How big is Mercury compared to the Earth? How small is a human compared to the universe? How small is earth compared to the universe? Where is the farthest point in the universe? What is the closest star to Earth besides the sun? What is the nearest star to earth? What star is closest to earth? What are the 5 closest stars to Earth? What are their distances in light years? How many light years away is the sun from earth? How many light years is Mars away from the sun? The closest star to the Sun is roughly how many lightyears away? How far away, in kilometers, is Proxima Centauri from the sun? A lightyear is the distance light can travel in one year. If the sun is 150,000,000 km away, how many light years is the sun from the earth? Assume that light travels at a speed of 3.00 * 10^10 cm/s. Thanks for any help!? How much light years is Venus far from the earth? Proxima Centauri is 4.3 light-years away from the Sun. How many kilometers away is it from the Sun? How far is the moon in miles from earth? How far away is the center of the Milky Way Galaxy to Earth in light years? How many light-years away from earth is Pluto? How many light years away is Mars from earth? How many light years away is Jupiter from earth? How many light-years away is the north star? How many light years away is the constellation cancer? How many times farther away is the sun from Earth than the moon? How many earth years does it take to equal one light year? How far is Jupiter away from the Sun in kilometers? How many light years away is Neptune from the sun? How many light years away is Sirius from the sun? How many light years away is the sun? How many light years away is the sun from Jupiter? How many galaxies do astronomers estimate there are in the Universe? Other than the Milky way Galaxy, how many Spiral Galaxies are there in the universe? How are galaxies arranged in the universe? What is the largest known galaxy in the universe? What is the shortest distance between two galaxies? Are new galaxies able to form on the edge of the expanding universe? Are galaxies and other formations more prevalent at the center of the universe or are they found evenly distributed throughout? How many light years away is the sun from pluto? How far away is the first pulsar from the earth? How far is Earth from the center of the universe in AU? How many times bigger than the Earth is the Sun? If little earths could be strung about the equator of the sun like a string of pearls, how many pearls would there be in the necklace? Which planets are bigger than Jupiter? The sun is how many times larger than the earth? Is the Moon bigger than Mercury? Are any entities in our solar system bigger than the sun? How many times larger than the moon is the sun? How many times larger is the diameter of the sun compared to the diameter of the earth? Are any planets in the universe larger than the sun? How much bigger is the Sun compared to the Earth? How many times larger is the sun compared to the moon? How many times more massive is the Sun than the Earth? How much bigger than the Earth is Saturn? Is Halley's comet bigger or smaller that the earth? How many times bigger than Jupiter is the sun? How is the sun bigger than the earth? Question #1d925 What is the biggest star in our universe? Is our universe a hologram? Where is the end boundary of our universe.? Is the Universe an open or closed system? Does our universe have a 4th dimension? How big was the universe at the time of the Big Bang? How can our universe be flat? How do scientists know our universe is flat? How far can we see in our universe? How do we measure distances in space? Is there a another universe? Are there more than four dimensions? What is a parsec? How was the parsec derived? What are the advantages of using the Parsec over the lightyear? What is the diameter of the Celestial Sphere? The parsec and the light-year are both units of? If 1 AU is the average distance from the earth to the sun (92.9x10^6 miles), how do you convert this to parsecs? How many cubic nanometers are in a cubic parsec? A parsec is the distance that light travels in 3.26 years. How many years does light takes to travel travel 3.0 parsecs?How many kilometers make 3.0 parsecs? How do you find out how many AU are in a parsec? Is there a distance where a parsec could be equal to a light year? What is the difference between arc seconds and parsecs? You measure the parallax angle for a star to be 0.1 arcseconds. What is the distance to this star? A star has a parallax of .05. What is its distance? How do you find the parsecs and light-years away a star is from the parallax angle? For example, Sirius has a 0.379s parallax angle. How would you get the parsecs and light-years away? If a star has a parallax of 0.05 arcseconds then what is its distance? How do you convert arcminutes into distance? A star with a parallax of 1 second of arc is at what distance? If a star has a parallax angle, p, of 0.25 arcseconds, how far away is that star in parsecs? How far is the earth from the sun? How would you put the Universe to scale? What is the study of the workings of the universe on its largest scales is called? Due to the scale of the universe, when we observe a star in the night sky, we are seeing it? Why isn't the universe uniform and symmetric? In a scale model of the Local Group of Galaxies, in which the Milky Way Galaxy was the size of a marble (about 1 cm in diameter), how far would it be from the Milky Way Galaxy to the most distant galaxies in the observable universe on this scale? Is the universe fractal? Are all the galaxies we see just part of a much larger galaxy? With the repeating universe theory does it mean just the universe repeats itself or does time and specific events repeat as well? What evidence do we have that there is no structure in the universe on very large scale? As we look at larger and larger scales in the universe, what do astronomers find? What does the large-scale structure of the universe look like? What does the large scale structure of the universe look like? Explain why we think this structure reflects the density patterns of the early universe. How is space measured? Current scientific models say the Universe is still expanding. Are there any theories to explain what the Universe is expanding into? What was the size of universe before Big Bang? What is the size of the universe? What is the size of the universe in feet? How big is the universe in light years? How can the universe be 93 billion light years across in size, if it is only 13.7 billion years old? Why has our estimate of the size of the universe changed in the past few centuries? What is the size of the earth compared to Mars? What was the size of the universe before the big bang? What are the dimensions of our universe in meters? Exactly how big is earth compared to the universe? How do astronomers explain the size of the universe? How do astronomers estimate the size of the universe? How vast is the universe? How do astronomers know the size of the universe? Why does the size of the universe change? How rapidly did the size of universe change in the first few minutes after the big bang? How do you calculate the size of the observable universe? How can you comprehend the size of the universe? How would you imagine the size of the universe will change in the future? How can you easily visualize the size of the universe? What is the size of the observable universe? How do scientists know how big the invisible portion is if they can't see it? The apparent angular size of the moon is about 1/2 degree, how many full moons could fit across the apparent size of the Andromeda galaxy? How would you order the following objects from smallest to largest: Star, Planet, Galaxy, Universe, Comet? What is Anaxagoras's Universe? Question #2ca85 Which planet do most exoplanets that we have discovered resemble? Question #83c38 Question #6ab2a What is the nearest galaxy? Which is the nearest galaxy to the Milky Way? Which is the nearest galaxy to Earth? Which galaxy is closest to us? Is it true that it would take a life time to leave our galaxy? What is the nearest galaxy to our solar system? How far is it to the closest Galaxy? What is the distance to the closest galaxy, aside from our Milky Way? What is the nearest large Galaxy to us? What is the nearest galaxy to us and how many light years away? What is the name of the nearest Galaxy to ours? What is the nearest galaxy? How many light years is the nearest Galaxy from the milkyway? How many kilometers is the nearest Galaxy from the milkyway? How many miles is the nearest Galaxy from the milkyway? How many AU is the nearest Galaxy from the milkyway? How many light years away is the closest galaxy to ours and what is it called? What is the second closest galaxy to the Milky Way? What is the closest galaxy to us? How far away is the nearest galaxy? How close is nearest galaxy to us? How far is the nearest galaxy to the milky way? How far is it to the nearest galaxy? How many miles is it to the nearest galaxy? How many kilometers is it to the nearest galaxy? How many AU is it to the nearest galaxy? How many light years is it to the nearest galaxy? How did astronomers find the next nearest galaxy? What is nearest galaxy to the milky way? What is our nearest galaxy neighbor? What the nearest galaxy to earth? How far is the nearest star to earth in light years? How long would it take to travel to another galaxy? The distance from the Sun to the nearest star is about 4 x 10^16 m. The Milky Way galaxy is roughly a disk of diameter ~10^21 m and thickness ~10^19 m. How do you find the order of magnitude of the number of stars in the Milky Way? What is the furthest star in our Galaxy that we can see, and how far away is it from the earth in light years? Is the earth and our solar system contained entirely in one galaxy? What is a galaxy in terms of space? How far away is space? What is after Space and the Galaxy? What is the space between Galaxies? Do galaxies orbit other objects in space? How do astronomers know the universe is still expanding instead of rotating towards a central high density object? How many galaxies exist in space? Is there a name for the space between galaxies? What separates the galaxies from each other? What is the area outside a galaxy called? What is galaxy space? What holds galaxies together? How many universes or galaxies are there in outer space? How old is the oldest galaxy and universe? Are stars, planets and galaxies just floating around space? Why do they float? How much space in the universe does Earth take up? How would you describe this as an analogy, like a grain of sand in comparison to our entire Earth? What are the odds of there being another 'Earth' in Space? How exactly does NASA take pictures of our own galaxy, and get a complete picture? How are all galaxies similar? How are they different? What is Earth's maximum velocity away from the centre of the universe, when our orbit around the sun, the sun's orbit around the galaxy and the movement of the galaxy itself are all in alignment? My estimate for the distance of the farthest Sun-size star that could be focused as a single-whole-star, by a 0.001''-precision telescope, is 30.53 light years. What is your estimate? Same, or different? How many stars are there in the universe? How many stars are there in the known universe? Is there an estimation of how many stars there are in this known universe? How many suns are in the universe? How many stars are there in the entire universe? How many galaxies are there in the universe? How many stars are there estimated to be the universe? How many stars/galaxies are there? Are there as many stars in the universe as there are grains of sand on the earth? How many planets are there estimated to be in the universe compared with those that are known of? How many stars and planets exist in the universe? How many known planets are in the universe? How many known planets are in the Milky Way? How many known planets are in our solar system? How many known planets are in our galaxy? Approximately how many stars are there in the universe? How many suns exist in the universe? How many suns like ours are there in the universe? Approximatly, how many nebulae are there in the universe? How many nebulae are there in total? How many planets are there in the entire universe? How many atoms are there in the universe? If this number is larger than the amount of neurons that was in Albert Einstein's brain, then what is the point of ever truly understanding the universe? Why are there so many stars in the universe? Do they help us humans in any way? How many galaxies are there in the universe? How were they discovered? How many have been discovered? What stars/planets are bigger than the Sun? How many particles are there in the universe? How many solar systems are there in the universe? How many in the known universe? How many clusters are there in the observable universe? How often do stars explode in the universe? Are there so many stars that there are millions exploding all of the time? How many types of stars are there in universe? Is there only one sun in the universe? How many earth like planets are there in the Universe? How large is the universe? How massive is the universe? How big is the universe? How small are we? How big is the universe in AU? How big is the universe in km? How big is the universe in kilometers? How big is the universe in feet? How big is the universe? is it infinite? if not, how does it end? Exactly how large is the universe? Where do its boundaries lie? How do astronomers know how big the universe is? What are the dimensions of the universe and what would be the total area, mass and/or radius, etc of the whole universe combined? Why is the universe big? How big is the universe and how old? How old is the universe? How big is the universe? Is there a end? How big is earth compare to universe in percentage? What shape is the universe? If the universe is flat, why do we have dimensions on earth? Just how big is the Universe? How many meters is the universe across? How many feet is the universe across? How many miles is the universe across? How many kilometers is the universe across? How many AU is the universe across? What is the size of the universe? If there was a Big Bang, shouldn't there be a large void in the center of the universe? If the universe ends, what would be at the edges to mark the boundary? Question #f55b1 Question #aa507 Why can the structure of the universe be compared to soap bubbles? Neptune is approximately 4.5 billion kilometers from the sun. What is this distance in AU? What are the four largest moons of Jupiter called? What is the nearest star? What is distance to the nearest star? From the Sun, what is the name of the nearest star? What is the nearest star to the earth, aside from our sun? How many kilometers is it to the next nearest star? How long would it take to travel to the nearest star at the speed of light? Can we reach the nearest star? How far is it from earth? What is the closest star we can see at night? What is the closest star (other than the sun) to the earth? Is Proxima Centauri the nearest star to the earth or sun? How long would it take for an astronaut to reach the closest star? Which constellation is the closest to Earth? How far is the nearest star to earth in miles? Aside from our sun, what is the closest star to our planet? If you were traveling at the speed of light, how long would it take you to travel to the nearest star outside of our solar system? What is the scientific notation for distance from Earth to Alpha Centauri? The distance from Earth to the nearest star outside the solar system is approximately 25,700,000,000,000 miles. How close is nearest star to earth? How far is the nearest star from earth? What type of star is the closest start to earth, outside of our own sun? How many AU to nearest star? How many light years is it to the nearest star? What is our nearest star called? What is our nearest star to earth? What is the nearest star in our galaxy? What is the nearest star to the sun called? How is the distance from the Earth to the nearest star (aside from our sun) calculated? What is the name of the nearest star to Earth that is a main sequence star please? How far away is the nearest blue supergiant star? How do we know the distance of stars? If we look east and see a star that is 100 million light years away, then look west and see a star that is 500 millions years away, how can we tell the difference? Proxima Centauri is 4.3 light-years away from the Sun. How many miles away is it from the Sun? How many light years does it take light to get to Earth from Alpha Centauri? How long would it take for light to travel across our solar system? The diameter of the solar system is approximately: 7,500,000,000 miles. How long would it take to drive this distance if traveling 60 mph? Are there planets in the Zeta Reticuli binary star system? What is the geocentric view of the universe and how did Gelileo change that view? What does parallel universe mean? What are the different names of galaxies? Is there anything in between the galaxies? How many different galaxies are there? What makes galaxies different colors? What is the Great Attractor? What did they name the new 3 or 2 planets that were just discovered? What equation do astronomers use to calculate the sun-earth distance? What is the mathematical equation used to calculate the distance between earth and the sun at any given day of the year? Why is it difficult to detect planets orbiting other stars? What is the ratio size of the sun and the moon to the earth and distance? In what order do these astronomy terms go from smallest to biggest: Earth, Universe, Milky Way galaxy, Jupiter, Asteroid, and the Sun? What is the name of the largest star in the universe? Is there a larger star than YV Canis Majoris? What is the heaviest galaxy in the universe? What are the measurements of our solar system? How many Earths can fit into VY Canis Majoris, the largest known star? Question #63a07 Question #3d1cc Question #939d1 Are we a part of universe Because We all are made up of the ............? Scale and History of the Universe View all chapters Scale of Earth, Sun, Galaxy, and Universe Time Scale of the Cosmos Light and Fundamental Forces The Big Bang Expansion of the Universe Next