How you can use the inverse trig functions on a calculator to find the value ox X for which sin(x)=0.6?

1 Answer
Sep 11, 2015

The algotithm is described in explanation


The inverse trigonometric function is usually described as "sin^(-1)" and usually requires pressing a function key. On PHILIPS calculator it's described as "2nd". So to calculate the angle for which sinx=0.6 you should:

1) Set the angle unit (radians or degrees) using "DEG-RAD" button or simmilar

2) Enter 0.6

3) Press "2nd" to use alternative function.

4) Press "sin^-1". Usually it's the same button as "sin".

After that you get the angle for which sinus equals to 0.6 in radians or degrees depending on settings in point 1).