Is it possible to answer a question referring to the answer of another person BUT giving him the credit? Sometimes there are answers so good and well explained that it is a pity to change them or give a new one.

1 Answer
Apr 22, 2015

If by "giving him/her the credit" you mean the karma points you'd potentially receive for an answer that references another contributor's answer, then I don't think that it can be done.

However, you can always give other contributors credit "in writing", so to speak.

For example, if I use another contributor's answer either as a starting point or as a way of directing the student to more detailed or alternative explanations, I always post the link to that answer at the bottom of my answer.

That way, students who read my post can have easier access to another answer that can be of interest, especially since there's a possibility that they wouldn't have come across the other contributor's answer otherwise.

I think it's a win/win situation, since excellent answers get more exposure and students can benefit from more learning material.