The rate of rotation of a solid disk with a radius of 6 m and mass of 5 kg constantly changes from 2 Hz to 12 Hz. If the change in rotational frequency occurs over 5 s, what torque was applied to the disk?
1 Answer
Torque can be expressed by the following equation:
color(skyblue)(tau=Ialpha) where
I is the moment of inertia of the object andalpha is its angular acceleration
Since a specific
The average angular acceleration is given by:
color(red)(alpha_(avg)=(Deltaomega)/(Deltat)) where
omega is the angular velocity of the disk andDeltat is the period over which the change occurs
Putting all of the above together, we have the equation:
We are given the following information:
|->"M"=5"kg" |->"R"=6"m" |->"f"_i=2"s"^-1 |->"f"_f=12"s"^-1 |->Deltat=5"s"
Substituting these values into the equation we derived above, we have:
Note this occurs in the counterclockwise direction as the convention is that counterclockwise is positive.