What is the ground state electron configuration for "O"^(2-) ion?

1 Answer
Oct 26, 2016

Based on the periodic table, "O" is atomic number 8, which means it has 8 electrons. The first few atomic orbitals are 1s, 2s, and 2p.

Each orbital can hold 2 electrons maximum, and there are 2l+1 of each type of orbital (s,p,d,f,g,...), where l = 0 corresponds to an s orbital, l = 1 means p orbital, and so on.

So, the configuration for neutral "O" atom is:

1s^2 2s^2 2p^4

where the 2p orbitals hold the 4 electrons like this:

ul(uarr darr) " " ul(uarr color(white)(darr)) " " ul(uarr color(white)(darr))

When oxygen gains two electrons, it acquires a charge of 2-. Therefore, the two electrons, which go into the highest-energy atomic orbitals, give you a new configuration of

color(blue)(1s^2 2s^2 2p^6)

for "O"^(2-), which is the same electron configuration as "Ne".

That is known as a noble-gas-like configuration, and in general it is stable if oxygen is like that in a compound (having 8 electrons in its 2s and 2p orbitals combined).