What is the incubation period of bronchitis?

1 Answer
Nov 13, 2016

The incubation period for acute bronchitis can range from 8 hours to 4 weeks.


Bronchitis is an inflammation in the inner side of the bronchial tubes.


Chronic bronchitis is caused by inhalation of irritants like air pollutants and cigarette smoke.

Acute bronchitis is caused by viral or bacterial infection.

Incubation period is defined as the gap between pathogenic infection and the onset of symptoms.

Hence, the term incubation period applies to acute bronchitis only.

Viral bronchitis

The acute bronchitis incubation period for viral infection depends on the pathogen.

Common viruses that infect the upper respiratory tract, with their incubation periods, are:

  • rhinovirus (common cold) #color(white)(mmmmm)# 8 h to 10 h
  • parainfluenza viruses (croup)#color(white)(mmmm)#2 days to 6 days
  • adenovirus (respiratory disease)#color(white)(mmll)#2 days to 14 days
  • influenza viruses A and B (influenza) #color(white)(l)# 8 days to 14 days

Bacterial bronchitis

Bacteria that infect the upper respiratory tract include:

  • Chlamydophila pneumoniae (pneumonia) — #color(white)(mml)#21 days
  • Mycoplasma pneumoniae (atypical pneumonia) — 1 week to 4 weeks