What is the vertex form of #y=4x^2+5x+2 #?

1 Answer
Mar 22, 2016

#y = 4(x + 5/8)^2 + 7/16#


The standard form of the quadratic function is :# y = ax^2+bx+c#

The function: # y = 4x^2 + 5x + 2" is in this form " #

with a = 4 , b = 5 and c = 2
The vertex form of the quadratic function is

# y = a(x - h )^2 + k" (h,k) are the coords of vertex " #

x-coord of vertex (h) # = -b/(2a) = -5/(2xx4) = - 5/8 #
now substitute # x = -5/8 " into " y = 4x^2+5x+2 #
y-coord of vertex (k) = #4(-5/8)^2 + 5(-5/8 )+ 2 #
#= 4(25/64) - 25/8 + 2 = 7/16 #
hence vertex has coordinates # (-5/8 , 7/16 ) #
> #"------------------------------------------------"#
so a = 4 and (h , k ) #= (-5/8 , 7/16 )#

# rArr" vertex form is " y = 4(x + 5/8)^2 + 7/16 #