What are examples of Cognitive Learning responses and stimuli?

1 Answer
Mar 11, 2016

Watching someone do a task, then doing it yourself. Using a support team or mentor to challenge and guide your study and practice. Using stress as a motivator and focusing element instead of a detractor.


Cognitive Learning Theory implies that the different processes concerning learning can be explained by analyzing the mental processes first. It posits that with effective cognitive processes, learning is easier and new information can be stored in the memory for a long time. On the other hand, ineffective cognitive processes result to learning difficulties that can be seen anytime during the lifetime of an individual.

Social Cognitive Theory includes several basic concepts that can manifest not only in adults but also in infants, children and adolescents.

  1. Observational Learning
    learning from other people by means of observing them is an effective way of gaining knowledge and altering behavior.

  2. Reproduction
    the process wherein there is an aim to effectively increase the repeating of a behavior by means of putting the individual in a comfortable environment with readily accessible materials to motivate him to retain the new knowledge and behavior learned and practice them.

  3. Self-efficacy
    the course wherein the learner improves his newly learned knowledge or behavior by putting it into practice.

  4. Emotional coping
    good coping mechanisms against stressful environment and negative personal characteristics can lead to effective learning, especially in adults.

  5. Self-regulatory capability
    ability to control behavior even within an unfavorable environment.

  6. Sarah Mae Sincero (Mar 11, 2011). Cognitive Learning Theory. Retrieved Mar 09, 2016 from Explorable.com: https://explorable.com/cognitive-learning-theory