If 1 AU is the average distance from the earth to the sun (92.9x10^6 miles), how do you convert this to parsecs?

2 Answers

1 parsec=3.26 light years.


light year is the distance light travels in one year
186282 x 60x 60x24 x 365.242. in miles.
Speed of light=186282 miles per second.
1 AU=92.9x 10 ^6.
if you calculate this will come to 0.000004848136 parsec.

May 12, 2016

#1.92 X 10^13# miles = 19.2 trillion miles, nearly.


1 parsec = 206264.81.AU = 206264.81 X 92955807.27 miles = #1.91735119 X 10^13# miles = #1.917 X 10^13# miles, nearly.

For the conversion #parsec to AU#, the factor is #3600 X (180/pi) # and this is also the factor for #radian to sec# conversion..

Note that (1 parsec X 1'' exprressed in radian) = 1 AU.