Where did Psychology go?

I can't see the Psychology subject on my dashboard? Maybe its just my computer..

1 Answer
Oct 30, 2017

Psychology has been demoted, so to speak.


Psychology is no longer a subject on Socratic, at least for the time being.

Some info on why that is the case--to put it mildly, Psychology was not doing as well as other subjects on Socratic.

When it came to the number of answers, the number of regular contributors, the number of questions asked, the number of Featured Answers, Psychology ranked dead last.

Sometimes days would pass before someone would stop by to answer a question. Moreover, this subject attracted very few new contributors. In addition to that, the answers posted by newcomers every week were usually plagiarized or of very poor quality.

So the team decided to give Psychology a little time off by removing it from the Subjects drop-down menu. Mind you, none of the answers posted in Psychology have been deleted!

Also, I should mention that this is just a temporary thing. At some point in the future--my guess is that this is going to happen in the distant future rather than in the near future--Psychology will be back as a full subject on Socratic.