How do alkoxide ions form? Organic Chemistry Alkene and Alkyne Addition Reactions Acid Catalyzed Hydro-alkoxy Addition 1 Answer Sam May 27, 2016 Alcohol + sodium metal Explanation: Answer link Related questions What is an acid catalyzed hydro-alkoxy addition? Does acid-catalyzed alkoxyation have the same mechanism as acid-catalyzed hydration? What are some common mistakes students make with acid catalyzed hydro-alkoxy additions? Is an acid catalyzed hydro-alkoxy addition the same as an acid-catalyzed alkoxyation? Does acid-catalyzed alkoxylation always use alcohol as the nucleophile? What is an alkoxy group? What is an alkoxide? What are the products of an acid catalyzed hydro-alkoxy addition? What is an example of an acid-catalyzed alkoxylation? Do catalyzed hydro-alkoxy addition follow the Markovnikov rule? See all questions in Acid Catalyzed Hydro-alkoxy Addition Impact of this question 2475 views around the world You can reuse this answer Creative Commons License