How do I find the cube of (2b + 6x)?
1 Answer
To find the cube of
To begin, Pascals Triangle is as follows:
Because you want to find the cube of the binomial, take the coefficients from row 3 and write them out with spaces in between as follows:
Now, take each part of the binomial (the 2b and the 6x), and put each term in it's own set of brackets after each coefficient as follows:
Now, add exponents to the "b"s, starting with 3 and counting down to 0, then add exponents to the "x"s, starting with 0 and counting up to 3 like so:
Now simplify everything! (Find the coefficients by simplyifying exponents first, then doing multiplication. Then, do the count down-count up method with the exponents on the variables!)
That's all there is to it! Hopefully you've understood this and hopefully I was of some help! :)