What will happen if you travel in a straight line in our universe? Can you ever leave our universe?

1 Answer
Mar 1, 2016

This question is not easy to answer and there so many issues involved, some of which are listed below.


This question is not easy to answer and there so many issues involved.,

First of all what does one mean by a moving in a straight line, as a straight line is very difficult to define in space which could be distorted due to matter particularly massive stars and galaxies.

Secondly, in which direction (note that direction itself may not be a straight line. Whether this direction is leading us or moving away from celestial bodies. If we are heading towards a massive star or galactic center, there could be issues.

Thirdly, with what velocity are we moving. There is escape velocity for leaving our earth, leaving our solar system and for other celestial bodies and clusters on the way.

Most importantly, as the universe is most likely to be infinite and resources for carrying on this journey finite, we may not be able to go far.