Citing examples and making graphs, how do you explain that f(r, theta;a,b,n,alpha )=r-(a + b cos n(theta- alpha) )=0f(r,θ;a,b,n,α)=r−(a+bcosn(θ−α))=0 represents a family of limacons, rose curves, circles and more?
3 Answers
See explanation. To be continued, in my 2nd answer.
families of curves, with similar characteristics.
( i ) a = 0 and n = 1.
produce circles through the pole r = 0.
Example: b = 2 and alpha = pi/3:
diameter inclined at
graph{ (x^2+y^2- 2(1/2x+sqrt3/2 y))(y-sqrt3 x)=0[-0.8 3.8 -0.3 2 1.8] }
Concentric circles come from r =a, when b = 0.
Here, as r is non-negative, I do not count r-negative petals.
Pixels do not glow for r-negative points.
graph{(x^2+y^2)^3.5-(x^6-15x^2y^2(x^2-y^2)-y^6)=0[-4 4 -2 2]}
#r = a ( 1 +- cos (theta - alpha ) produce Cardioids.
Cardioid Couple:
graph{(x^2+y^2-2sqrt(x^2+y^2)+sqrt2(x+ y))(x^2+y^2-2sqrt(x^2+y^2)-sqrt2(x+ y))=0}
Continuation, for the 2nd part.
(iv) n =1
The double here includes both ( pole-on and pole-not-on ) cases
Graph for the limacons
graph{ (x^2+y^2-3sqrt(x^2+y^2)-x) (x^2+y^2-sqrt(x^2+y^2)-3 x)=0[- 16 16 -8 8]}
graph{ (x^2+y^2-3sqrt(x^2+y^2)-1/sqrt2 (x+y)) (x^2+y^2-sqrt(x^2+y^2)-3/sqrt2 ( x+y))=0[- 20 20 -10 10]}
The innie of the dimple weakens, as
Rosy Limacon, from limacon-like equation, giving rosy graph.
Continuation,for the 3rd part of my answer.
Ref: My answers to related Socratic questions.
The count for the open loops is p = 2.
Example 1:
For 3 complete rotations through
giving two
graph{(x^2-y^2) - (x^2+y^2)^1.5 sqrt ( 1-(x^2+y^2))(4(x^2+y^2)-3) =0[-6 6 -3 3]}
Example 2:
graph{(x^4- 6 x^2y^2 +x^4) - (x^2+y^2)^2.5 sqrt ( 1-(x^2+y^2))(4(x^2+y^2)-3) =0[-6 6 -3 3]}
The count ( 2 open and 2 closed )of idiosyncratic loops is p = 4.