Questions asked by Chirag Mehta
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What is mass of light?
`why does red light travel faster than violet light , though violet light has more energy (in glass)? plz give a simple answer which can be understood by a 10th class student.
What are bosons?
Why photon doesn't have antiparticle?
What is the approximate value of pi?
If lens has different focal length for different colours then how do we see things multicoloured?
What is (√-1)²?
If the fundamental theorem of algebra is correct , then why i am bein taught discriminant less than 0 for quadratic equations mean no real roots ? (i m a 10th standard student who was taught about polynomials and quadratic equations)
Please amswer ASAP , its urgent .
what will be the remainder when [{7^365-1}/6] is divided by 5?
i know that the divident will be a whole number so plz just write numeric value of answer . i need to confirm..
Consider a Geometric progression 1,7,49...7^364 . find the remainder when sum of this g.p is divided by 5.?
I wonder 'image is formed by intersection of 2 light rays' . Can't it be a single light ray to form an image ? Some sources do suggest that a single photon can form image
Help in trignometry! (?)
What is 0.5! And how do you find it (can it be found without calculus)?
Prove: e^(i pi)+1=0 "?"
Find complex values of x = root (3)(343) ?
Complete reaction
PbO+C ->Pb+?
Some sources suggest CO_2 while others CO. Do they exist in equilibrium?
In an electric motor, say it has only one coil. The coil spins because of current in it. So, is there any electromagnetic induction process occuring simultaneously?
What can be the least energy of a system as per Heisenberg's uncertainty principle?
Are our actions random? I mean we respond to something like let's say you did any task for no reason so like lifted a chair.
I saw that dimensional formula of "distance covered in n^(th)" " second is [LT^-1]". How is that possible when unit of distance is [L]?
Is the atomic radii of nitrogen larger than oxygen or smaller?