Stratospheric Ozone Environmental Science Climate Change Stratospheric Ozone Questions What is the importance of the ozone shield and how do CFCs deplete ozone? How do chlorofluorocarbons destroy ozone? Which chemical damages the protective ozone layer? If the ozone layer is damaged, how will Earth be affected? What is the name of the type of automotive refrigerant that depletes the Earth's ozone layer? What is behind the destruction of the ozone layer? What happens when the ozone layer thins out? Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) damage the ozone layer. Where do these chemicals come from? What is ozone depletion? Why does the Antarctic have a large hole in the ozone, when no one even lives there? Does ozone smell like anything? How corrosive is ozone gas when subjected to iron? What would happen if the ozone layer disappeared? What can be done to prevent ozone depletion? Why is ozone added in some water bottles? What's the use of it? What height is the ozone layer at? How is ozone formed in the stratosphere? What are the causes and effects of ozone depletion? What are the principles of ozone thinning and depletion? How are oxygen and ozone alike? Is the ozone layer the same thing as the atmosphere? What is the threat of ozone depletion? How many resonance structures can be drawn for ozone? How does ozone depletion occur? How does ozone protect us? What are all the factors affecting ozone layer other than CFC? What do you think will happen if the ozone layer continues to be destroyed? What do you think the government should do to help? What are the positive and negative effects of the ozone layer? How and when did the ozone layer form? What can we do to stop global warming or repair the ozone layer? What causes ozone depletion? How is ozone made in the atmosphere? What does the ozone layer do for us humans and animals? Why is CO_2 causing the ozone to deplete and how? Can the ozone layer repair itself? What is the main reason for the depletion of the ozone layer? Why is the ozone layer thinning? Is ozone depletion cyclic? What is the difference between stratospheric and tropospheric ozone? Why is stratospheric ozone beneficial to life on earth, whereas tropospheric ozone is not? How do wildfires affect the ozone layer? What is the difference between ozone depletion and global warming? Is the ozone hole getting bigger? Is the banning of CFCs enough to stop it? Why is the ozone layer important to life on earth? When will the ozone layer disappear? What are the chemicals that deplete the ozone? Why is ozone described as hazardous at ground level but helpful in the upper atmosphere? How has a thinning zone layer affected human health? What is the link between ozone depletion and greenhouse gases? Where is the ozone layer and what is it? How is ozone layer a pollutant? How did the ozone layer form? Why is ozone salient? What is the difference between O2 and O3? What is the ozone layer? What is its function? Are ozone-depleting substances also greenhouse gases? Climate Change View all chapters Stratospheric Ozone Climate Change Climate Change Policy Effects of Climate Change Greenhouse Effect Next