Nuclear Chemistry
Topic Page
Nuclear Chemistry
What are radioactive isotopes?
What is the PUREX liquid-liquid extraction?
What is the difference between fission and fusion?
What does nuclear chemistry involve?
What is radiotherapy?
Why is the study of radioactivity labeled nuclear chemistry?
When an atom emits radiation,
#"A."# a new element is always formed
#"B."# the mass number of the atom decreases
#"C."# the weight of the atom decrease to half its value in a fixed time
#"D."# the radiation always comes from the nucleus?
How was the nucleus of an atom discovered?
Question #4e0c6
Question #84861
How does radioactive decay work?
When a nucleus undergoes radioactive decay, what is its new mass number?
How would you compare nuclear fusion, fission, and radioactive decay?
How is the radioactive decay of krypton-85 different from the radioactive decay of Americium-241?
What is the decay equation of cesium 137?
When a radioactive nucleus undergoes alpha decay what happens?
Question #577df
What is gamma decay?
Question #6599f
How much energy is released if a sample loses 0.0001 kg of its mass through radioactive decay?
What happens to an atom that experiences radioactive decay?
How do you find the mass defect of nitrogen?
How do you calculate the mass defect and nuclear binding energy per nucleon of each of the nuclides?
How do you calculate the mass defect for C-14? How do you calculate the binding energy?
The mass defect for a Li-6 nucleus is -0.03434 g/mol. How do you calculate the atomic mass of Li-6?
The respective masses in amu of the proton, the neutron, and the nckel-60 atom are 1.00728, 1.00867, and 59.9308. What is the mass defect of the nickel-60 atom in g?
A proton weighs 1.007276 amu , a neutron weighs 1.008665 amu, and an electron weighs 5.486×10−4 amu. What is the expected mass of a beryllium-9 nucleus, based on the total mass of its protons and neutrons?
How would you calculate the mass defect of Cobalt-60 given the following information?
The mass of a proton is 1.00728 amu and that of a neutron is 1.00867 amu. What is the mass defect ( in amu) of a nickel-60 nucleus?
The mass of a nickel-60 nucleus is 59.9308 amu
Why is mass defect significant?
Why is mass defect negative?
What does mass defect mean?
What causes mass defect?
Is ammonium hydroxide the same as concentrated ammonia?
98/43 Tc undergoes gamma decay. How would you determine the resulting nucleus?
Why is gamma decay more dangerous than alpha decay or beta decay?
When a nucleus undergoes gamma decay, what happens to its atomic number?
How does gamma emission affect the atomic number of an isotope?
Why do alpha and beta decay produce new elements but gamma decay does not?
When U-238 transmutates into Th-234, what does this represent?
How do gamma rays decay?
How is gamma decay produced?
What does gamma decay do?
What does gamma decay release?
Why does gamma decay occur?
Why is gamma decay dangerous?
Does gamma decay change an atomic number?
How does gamma decay affect the structure of the atom?
How does gamma decay change the nucleus?
What eventually happens to radioactive isotopes?
Which type of radiation particle, emitted from a nuclear r eaction, is most similar to a helium nucleus?
What type of particle is made up of two protons and two neutrons released from the nucleus of the radioactive atom?
What are gamma rays in chemistry?
Why is U-235 used more in nuclear reactors than U-238?
How would you estimate the difference in energy produced when we burn 1kg of carbon vs producing nuclear energy from 1kg of U-235.?
If there is a loss of #5.63 x 10^-7# kg of mass in a nuclear reaction, how many Joules of energy would be released?
How can uranium-238 decay to plutonium-239 but its mass still increases?
If one isotope of an element is radioactive, then are all the isotopes of that element are radioactive?
What are six differences between nuclear reaction and chemical reaction?
Question #d93d2
What quantities are conserved when balancing a nuclear reaction?
Which nuclide will decay by positron and what isotope will be the left over? Both answers must be correct. (Numbers represent the mass number):
32S, 32P;
26P, 26S;
14O, 14N;
14N, 14O
Question #e314b
What is the difference between deuterium, #""_1^2H#, and tritium, #""_1^3H#?
Radioactivity is produced when unstable nuclei do what?
What is the process by which atomic nuclei spontaneously decay called?
What is the only radioactive form of hydrogen?
How do you determine if a reaction is a fission or fusion reaction?
When humans are at higher altitudes, how is their exposure to radiation effected?
In a nuclear reaction, is mass lost to produce energy?
Where does nuclear fission occur?
Can nuclear fission be controlled in the laboratory?
In 1938, Otto Hahn and Fritz Strassman discovered that uranium nuclei could spit and form smaller nuclei, or different elements 1938, otto what process did Hahn and Strassman discover?
Is water used to moderate (slow down) neutrons in a nuclear reactor?
What kind of radioactive decay does not cause transmutation?
Question #0063f
One uranium atom has a mass of #3.95 x 10^-22# grams. How would you work out an estimate for the number of uranium atoms in 1 kg of uranium?
What is the neutron:proton ratio for the nucleus #"_82^206Pb#?
What place is known for wilderness and uranium?
How is the nucleus of a uranium-238 atom different to the nucleus of a uranium-235 atom?
How does critical mass play a role in nuclear reactions?
What is the combining of two atomic nuclei to produce one larger nucleus called?
Does gamma decay by itself cause one element to become another element, as in alpha decay and beta decay?
How do we calculate the relativistic energy equivalent contained in one proton in #"MeV"#?
How many alpha particles are emitted in the series of radioactive decay events from a U-238 nucleus to a Pb-206 nucleus?
What are the three main types of radioactive decay?
The element #"_92^238 U# has how many neutrons?
Are nuclear fuels made up of carbon and hydrogen atoms?
How many neutrons are in an atom of #"_86^222Rn#?
Question #ee6cb
Can nuclear energy be released?
Are atoms with an atomic number over 83 stable or unstable?
What is nuclear binding energy?
What is the correct order of alpha, beta, and gamma radiation in terms of their increasing ability to penetrate into matter?
What is the number of protons, neutrons, and electrons in #""_6^12C#?
What is the number of protons, neutrons, and electrons in #""_1^1H#?
What is the number of protons, neutrons, and electrons in #""_18^40Ar#?
A N-14 nucleus is hit by a particle, forming a C-14 nucleus and a proton as the only products. How would you identify the type of particle which struck the N-14 nucleus?
Question #a49f1
What are the differences between alpha and beta particles?
When what force is not large enough to hold a nucleus together tightly, the nucleus can become radioactive?
What are some examples of the particles in a baryon?
How does an atom with too many neutrons relative to protons undergo radioactive decay?
Which type of nuclear process results in a lower mass nuclei than the reactants?
When Uranium-238 decays, what does it decay into?
When curium-242 is bombarded with alpha particles, a neutron and what are formed?
What is the process of combining two nuclei to form a heavier nucleus?
The two isotopes of uranium, #""^238 U# and #""^235 U#, can be separated by effusion of the corresponding #UF_6# gases. What is the ratio (in the form of a decimal) of the RMS speed of #""^238 UF_6# to that of #""^235 UF_6# at constant temperature?