Special Right Triangles
Key Questions
Consider the properties of the sides, the angles and the symmetry.
45-45-90" "45−45−90 refers to the angles of the triangle.The
color(blue)("sum of the angles is " 180°) There are
color(blue)("two equal angles") , so this is an isosceles triangle.It therefore also has
color(blue)(" two equal sides.") The third angle is
90° . It is acolor(blue)("right-angled triangle") therefore Pythagoras' Theorem can be used.The
color(blue)("sides are in the ratio " 1 :1: sqrt2) It has
color(blue)("one line of symmetry") - the perpendicular bisector of the base (the hypotenuse) passes through the vertex, (the90° angle).It has
color(blue)("no rotational symmetry.") -
mathbf{30^circ"-"60^circ"-"90^circ} TriangleThe ratios of three sides of a
30^circ"-"60^circ"-"90^circ triangle are:1:sqrt{3}:2
I hope that this was helpful.
Each black-and-red (or black-and-yellow) triangles is a special right-angled triangle. The figures outside the circle -
pi/6, pi/4, pi/3 - are the angles that the triangles make with the horizontal (x) axis. The other figures -1/2, sqrt(2)/2, sqrt(3)/2 - are the distances along the axes - and the answers tosin(x) (yellow) andcos(x) (red) for each angle. -
30^circ -60^circ -90^circ Triangles whose sides have the ratio1:sqrt{3}:2 -
45^circ -45^circ -90^circ Triangles whose sides have the ratio1:1:sqrt{2}
These are useful since they allow us to find the values of trigonometric functions of multiples of
30^circ and45^circ . -