Periodic Trends in Atomic Size
Topic Page
Periodic Trends in Atomic Size
Why do periodic trends exist for electronegativity?
Why does atomic size increase down a group?
What do periodic trends of reactivity occur with the halogens?
How can I determine atomic size of ions?
The atomic radii of transition metals do not decrease significantly across a row. As you add electrons to the d-orbital are you adding core electrons or valence electrons?
How does the octet rule affect periodic trends?
How does the number of protons relate to atomic size?
How does the periodic trend of atomic radius relate to the addition of electrons?
How does atomic size affect the energy released during bonding?
How does atomic size affect reactivity?
How is atomic size measured?
How does atomic size increase on periodic table?
How are atomic size and ionization energy related?
Does Zeff increase, decrease or stay the same for transition metals in a row?
Why do elements in the same family generally have similar properties?
Rank the following elements by increasing atomic radius: carbon,
aluminum, oxygen, potassium.
What is an example an atomic size practice problem?
What is a common characteristic shared by the noble gasses?
What is atomic size?
What are some common mistakes students make with periodic trends?
What are the periodic trends?
Question #cb8ff
Question #4de98
Question #d7af1
Of the following, which atom has the largest atomic radius?
A) Cl B) Br C) Na D) K
Question #2d154
Question #80ff6
Question #f9c4c
Which element has the largest atomic radius and which has the smallest: Na, Mg, and Be?
Mg > Na > Be
Why was this the correct answer? what method can I use to avoid getting tricked by one of these questions?
Which has the larger atomic radius: Cl- or K+?
Why does atomic radius decrease as you go across a period?
How would you rank the following elements in order of decreasing atomic radius: F, O, C, B?
How would you rank the following elements in decreasing order according to atomic radius:
Cs, Na, Li, Rb, K?
Does Li or F have the larger atomic radius?
Which element has the smallest atoms?
Why is a magnesium atom smaller than atoms of both sodium and calcium?
What is the trend in atomic radius from left to right on the periodic table?
What is the general trend in atomic radius across a row of elements?
How would you explain how period and group trends in atomic radii are related to electron configuration?
What are the group trends for atomic radius?
What is the trend in atomic radius as you go across a period?
Elements #X, Y, Z# are placed in the same Period of the Periodic Table. #Z# is a smaller atom than #Y#, which is a smaller atom than #X#. Which element has the LOWEST atomic number?
Question #cc96f
Why is the radius of the lithium atom considerably larger than that of the hydrogen atom?
What element in the second period has the largest atomic radius?
How does atomic radius change from top to bottom in a group in the periodic table?
How do you think the atomic radii will change as electrons are added to a shell?
Which element has the smallest radius?
Question #a7215
Which metal has the larger radius, Li or Na? Why?
How does the atomic radius of argon compare to that of chlorine?
Upon oxidation of an atom, what occurs to the radius of the resultant cation compared to the parent atom?
Does density generally tend to decrease or increase across the table and why?
Why do both atomic size and ionic size increase as you move down a group?
What are the periodic trends for atomic number and atomic mass?
What is the trend in reactivity on the period table?
What periodic trend exist for ionization energy and how does this trend relate to different energy levels?
Is the trend for electronegativity related to the trend for atomic size in the Periodic Table?
What are the periodic trends in electron affinity?
How would you rank the following elements in order of decreasing atomic size: Ba, Mg, Sr. And why would you choose that oder?
What periodic trends of reactivity occur with the alkali metals?
What happens to the atomic mass as you go down each group/family?
Based on periodic trends, which one of the following elements do you expect to be most easily reduced? Ca,Sr,Cl,or P?
Based on periodic trends, which one of the following elements do you expect to be most easily reduced? Ca,Sr,Cl,or P and why?
What periodic trends of Atomic size occur with the halogens?
Why are cations smaller than their parent atom?
A: Ca^2+ or Al^3+
B: Na^+ or Cl^+
C: P^3- or S^2-
D: F^- or Cl^-
Answers are appreciated?
Why are anions larger than their parent atom?
What trends do we see on the periodic table for atomic radii, ionic radii and electronegativity?
Using periodic trends, arrange the following elements in order of increasing atomic radius: Al, Ca, and P and explain how you choose that order?
What trend in atomic radius do you see as you go across a period/row on the periodic table. What causes this trend?
Question #259ae
What is the trend in Atomic Radii? Which elements have a bigger Radius?
Why is the atomic radius of Li larger than that of Be?
Out of #B, O, N,# and #F#, which element is the largest?
Why is iron a better conductor of electricity than zinc?
What is the order of the atoms #Fe, P, O# in increasing side?
How is shielding effect explained?
Arrange the following acid in increasing order of strengths
#(HCO_3 )^- , (H_3 O )^+ , (HSO_4) ^ - , HSO_3 F#?
Question #75b06
What does the atomic radius refers to?
The size of an atom generally increases in what direction on the periodic table?
When electrons are removed from the outermost shell of a calcium atom, what does the atom becomes?
The diameter of a chlorine atom is 200. pm. How many chlorine atoms are required to line up end to end to stretch a distance of 1.0 mm?
Which of the following atoms will have the largest and the smallest size?
What is the theory associated with the radius of an atom as it (a) gains an electron (b) loses an electron?
Question #eb982
How would you describe the trends in atomic radius of the alkali metals?
What concepts describes the reason that atoms are larger and ionization energies are lower as you go down the periodic table?
Question #d72b2
How would you arrange the following elements from largest to smallest in atomic radii: S, Al, Ar, Mg, P?
Why does atomic radii decrease going from the bottom left to the upper right of the periodic table?
How do you write the elements #Se, Rb, S# in decreasing atomic size?
Can the radius of an atom be measured directly?
Question #abda4
How do you arrange the following atoms in order of increasing atomic radius: Na, Be ,Mg?
Is the radius of an ion always larger than the atomic radius of the original atom?
Electrons get added on moving through a group as well as period. Then how can the atomic size decrease in a period but increase in a group?
Which element has the smallest atomic radius in the fourth period?
What is the relative size of the radius of a negative ion to its neutral atom?
What is the relative size of the radius of a positive ion to its neutral atom?
How would you describe the range of the radii of most atoms in nanometers (nm)?
Question #9a085
Which is the largest atom with respect to potassium, oxygen, and silicon?
Question #ecf1d
Question #a157c
Which is the bigger atom, argon or chlorine?
How does atomic size evolve with respect to the Periodic Table?
How does the atomic radius change from top to bottom in Groups 1 and 2?
Question #3ee38
How does atomic size vary on the periodic table?
How does ionic size relate to the size of their particular parent atom? In your answer discuss the relative size of the ions of potassium, bromine, and selenium.
Question #367cf
Question #2bf4b
What element has the largest radius?
Which are the LARGEST atoms?
As the elements in Group 17 on the Periodic Table are considered from top to bottom what happens to the atomic radius and the metalic character ofeach successive element?
Which are the smallest and largest atoms?
Question #183d5
Question #e02b6
What is the size of boron in relation to oxygen and aluminum?
Question #aea82
Question #8d89b
Question #e7441
Question #3a3da
How would the size of the xenon atom compare to that of the neon atom?
Question #f30e9
Which has the largest radius, magnesium (Mg), silicon (Si), sulfur (S), or sodium (Na)?
What is atomic radius?